
6 Advantages And Disadvantages Of HTML Will Surprise You

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I was learning HTML and one question came into my mind, what are the advantages and disadvantages of HTML.

HTML has its various advantages, such as it is widely used for making website and web applications, every browser supports HTML. On the other hand, the disadvantages are that you can only make static web pages with HTML, and it is not a programming language.

If you would like to enhance your knowledge about HTML, you should know the pros and cons of HTML. This article will explain the advantages and disadvantages of HTML.

What Is HTML and Where It is Used

HTML is known as Hypertext Markup Language, which makes web pages. HTML uses Hypertext(links) to connect the webpages on the internet, which is the core of the world wide web.

HTML uses markups to make a webpage which is the language of browsers to render the web page. Markups are the tags around the text in the HTML. Most of the elements in the HTML are made up of starting tag and ending tag while content will be inside these tags.

HTML is the base of all the languages on the internet because if you would like to make any web application in any language, you have to make a web page structure, which is only possible with HTML.

HTML is used to make websites, web applications and video games.

What Are The Advantages Of HTML?

  • Every Browser Support:  Every browser supports HTML because it is the primary language of web pages. Another reason is that it has existed on the internet for a long time. Suppose you would like to search for a specific element browser compatibility. In that case, I recommend you a website caniuse.com where you have to type an element name in the search bar to find the element compatibility.
  • Easy To Learn And Use: HTML looks daunting at first sight, but it is effortless to learn. All you have to do is learn the basic tag or markups to define an image, text, headings, paragraphs and then learn how to make the structure of the website with the HTML semantic tags. I have learned HTML easily with a free website named a freecodecamp.com. I will encourage you to visit this website.
  • No Premium Software Needed:  When you are writing HTML, you do not need any premium software to pay for writing or running it. You can use even a notepad on your computer to write the HTML. Moreover, some free text editors such as visualstudiocodenotepad++, and atom are available to write much faster HTML.
  • Hardware Independent: HTML can be used on any laptop or computer, whether a window’s operating system or IOS operating system. It is independent of hardware dependency.
  • Widely Used: HTML is the language that is used to design every web page structure, whether it is a web application or a game development. All the websites on the internet are made with HTML, and still, web developers are using it.
  • Offline Pages With HTML: You can write HTML without using the internet. This means you can do it offline, and the tools like  WYSIWYG Web Builder, which helps you to edit the website without an internet connection.

What Are The Disadvantages Of HTML?

  • Only Static Pages: With the help of HTML, you can make only static pages. This means that the web pages will be plain and without any functionality. For example, it would not be possible if you want the user to submit the form.
  • No Responsiveness: We have seen that most of the world’s users are using mobile and tablet. Your website should change according to the device screen known as responsive design, which is not achievable with HTML.
  • Depends For Functionality: As I told you, HTML can generate only plain web pages without interactivity or functionality. HTML relies on JavaScript to make it interactive, and for styling, it depends on CSS.
  • No Calculations: HTML is not a programming language, so you can’t perform a logical task or calculations. You can’t use an if/ else statement to make the condition as you do in other languages such as Python, JavaScript etc.
  • Need To Write A Lot Of Code: When you are writing HTML you are writing like a text in the word document. You have to write plenty of markups to wrap a text, image or any other element on the webpage which makes turns into a lengthy process.
  • Security Issues:HTML5 has created so many security threats. For example, HTML5 is not enforcing the cross-origin check, resulting in a malicious attack by other websites if a web developer forgets to implement cross-origin verification. You can learn more about security threats of HTML by reading an article on Top 5 Security Threats in HTML5.


I am a web developer and a blogger. I want to learn new things every day and share my knowledge with other code learners through my blog.

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