
5 Practical Tips To Improve HTML And CSS Skills

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HTML and CSS are easy to start learning, and when you spend a lot of time with these languages, you need to improve your skills to master these languages.

HTML and CSS are languages that never get old because they keep changing according to time. To become a good web developer, you need to practice them and follow certain steps to enhance your skills and stand you upfront from other web developers.

There are various ways to improve your skills, but I will explain what I have followed to become a better web developer.

First Make Your Coding Fundamentals Strong

It is vital that you make your basic HTML and CSS concepts strong before following the frameworks. Instead of starting learning first from frameworks, it is better to be master in the base rules of closing.

Various frameworks are available, such as bootstrap, foundation, or react, to accomplish the coding task fast. The problem starts getting worse when you try these frameworks without knowing the basics of coding.

The truth is that these frameworks are made using basic and advanced techniques of HTML, CSS and Javascript, and when you try to be stuck using the premade elements, you cannot solve the problems because you do not learn the core skills at the beginning.

Practice Is The Key

Practice means that you try to implement your skills with something new every day. If you have just started learning the languages or know plenty of things about these languages, you need to practice regularly.

If you are a beginner, you can join the free websites online such as freecodecamp.org, where you can learn new concepts about these languages, and you can do some small projects to earn the certificates that will help you get jobs.

If you know some basics about these languages, you can copy the projects from other websites. Codepen is the website where people put their work, and you can fork their projects and play with that code to do the practice.

Furthermore, You may watch youtube and read blogs to find the new coding techniques. Instead of just memorizing them you should practice those techniques to master in your field.

Build Your Own Portfolio Website

The key to remember methods of CSS or tags of HTML is only possible when you try to implement things by yourself. This happens only when you implement plenty of ways to solve a problem yourself.

When you try to build a website for yourself, you will not be under pressure to perform best because you are not working for other people.

Moreover, While making your website, you will make more mistakes, and when you succeed in resolving the errors or issues, you will build your confidence as well.

Make a portfolio website that will also help you get the job because you can display your work to the hiring companies.

I have searched some portfolio templates for you to learn the design of these portfolio websites and try to implement these. You have to view the demo and start making the website.

I recommend you to watch the youtube video from freecodecamp – Build and deploy a portfolio website.

Build A Website For Someone You Know

After making the website for yourself, you need to find the person who may be your friend or a businessman who requires the website.

If you choose the person you know to make a website, You do not need to worry about making a website at the exact time. This will be important because making a website first-time takes plenty of time because you would not be perfect In HTML and CSS skills.

When you are making a website for someone will also teach you how to manage the time and client. Along with that, you would come to know the basic requirements to achieve a specific task while writing HTML and CSS.

I suggest you visit small businesses in your living area and offer them to develop a website for you. You can also look for other business websites, which are basic websites, and you can make some nice changes to those websites and show the business owners to get a chance to remake their websites.

Join A Coding Bootcamp To Get Real World Projects

Coding bootcamps provide you with the timetable in which you have to learn the coding skills. Coding bootcamps start from basics and take you to the advanced level step by step.

The most important aspect of coding bootcamps is that you will get an instructor who can help you all the way. Moreover, You will get real-time projects which sharpens your skills.

Coding bootcamps providers also conduct the internship for you when you finish the Bootcamp with the reputable companies where you work in real-world of senior and junior developers.

Most bootcamps are online, which gives you the flexibility to learn from anywhere.

Free online bootcamps

Bootcamp NameLengthSkills you will learn
The Essential Web Developer Course – Upskills197 lessonsHTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Git, Bootstrap, e-commerce, and more.
Free coding camp- skillcrush9 lessonsUX design, web development, WordPress
Free Intro to Coding – flatironschoolFree introductory lessonsHTML & CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and API Integration.

Paid online bootcamps

Bootcamp NameDurationPrice Skills you will learn
Full-Stack Web Development Program- careerfoundary16 weeks$6,900Full-Stack Web Development
Introduction to Programming course – Udacity12 weeks$1508 HTML, CSS, Python, and JavaScript
Web development course – Wild Code School20 weeks $7,939HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and Node.js frameworks

Make A Habit Of Reading Coding Books

I have seen that coding books come every year, which means they have been updated something new. Books represent the code techniques with examples and pictures.

Coding books teach you the fundamentals of coding and how to implement the coding techniques. Moreover, some books also tell the reader, how to fulfil the business requirements while making apps and websites for a business.

Sometimes you are not getting your answer from anywhere. So you can open your book and follow the rules that may solve your code related problem.

I recommend the following books:-

Do Not Sit With The Problem

I would also suggest you do not think you do not know the solution to the problem. You can find the answer in various ways.

One of the best ways is to google your question, and you will see the solution and results in a few seconds. You have to open those results and see what you were doing wrong to implement the code.

If you could not find the solution on google, then try to search other mediums, for example, youtube or forums. You can ask your question through various forums related to your code problem.

I suggest you join the StackOverflow website where people ask questions, and even you can find the answer by searching on the website.


I am a web developer and a blogger. I want to learn new things every day and share my knowledge with other code learners through my blog.

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